[system-tools] Network Proxy + Network Configuration


First, as my first a new subscriber of this mailing-list i would like to
start posting a suggestion which i consider to be useful.
Gnome has an option in the menu Applications > Desktop Preferences
called Network Proxy. 

However there is another place in Gnome default install which allows
users to take manage connections which is in System tools > Network

Why not join then in a single option (preferly in System tools)? Network
Proxy could just be one more tab of the Network configuration which
could make it even more acessible (as we don't need to open two
applications when configurating a new network) and a little more logic
(i guess). 

Another useful tip would be to also integrate Network Proxy options with
the Network Configuration Profiles. I think it's obvious, why...

That's all, Thanks for attention :)

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