Re: GNOME Roadmap - Information request for libgnomekbd

> - What are your plans for GNOME 2.22 (next 4 months, before feature and UI
>   freezes)?
Get rid of overengineered dbus-based client-server solution used to
retrieve localized layout descriptions (in sync with libxklavier and
xkeyboard-config switching to explicit gettext-based translation).

> - What are your plans for GNOME 2.24 (next year)?
I'll try to introduce GUI for choosing layouts not only per-country but
also per-language.

> - Do you have any goals from 2.20 that were not achieved? Why?
All above. Reason - lack of spare time.

> - Is there something that is really missing in our infrastructure or platform
>   that would help you?
No, I really like GNOME infrastructure.

> - Do you have plans to work on other modules not maintained by you?  What are
>   they?
I wish I'd have time.

> - Do you have any GNOME-wide goals suggestions for the next releases?
Please do not introduce any C# or any other Mono-dependent code.



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