Re: [Planner Dev] Gantt View

lbell wrote:
I am beginning to use planner for my projects, but i need to view more columns in gantt view, (notes, resources, etc) so i modified the sources to introduce the desired columns in the view, but wouldn't be better to have a more general task column list and let the user choose what columns are to be included in the view for each view when referencing the tasks ? The settings can be saved in the data file.
I can send you the patch (static column display) if you are interested.
I am making the modification in the 12.1 codebase.


The long-term plan is to make it possible to add/remove columns from the views. In the mean-time it might be worthwhile to tweak the currently shown columns, but the list is already a bit too wide for the gantt view so I don't think statically adding columns is a very good idea.


Imendio AB,

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