Passing arrays from ORBit2 to ORbit and from ORBit to ORBit2

Hi there,

I am trying to transfer an object that looks like this:

   typedef struct SomeObject_Type SomeObject;
   struct SomeObject_Type
      CORBA_string name;
      CORBA_short short1;
      CORBA_short short2;
      CORBA_long long1;
      CORBA_short short3;
      CORBA_long long2;
      CORBA_long long3;
      CORBA_unsigned_long arraylong1[6];
      CORBA_unsigned_long arraylong2[6];
      CORBA_unsigned_long arraylong3[6];
      CORBA_unsigned_long arraylong4[6];
      CORBA_long long4;
      CORBA_long long5;

>From a ORBit1 (server) to a ORBit2 (client) by returning at a remote

When we debug right before the "return" statement at the ORBit1
(server), all variables of the struct are set correctly.

However, at the ORBit2 (client) side, the fields long4 and long5 look
unitialized or have invalid values.

Is there an incompatibility with transferring arrays? I only have it
with objects that have arrays (like above).

Philip Van Hoof, Software Developer @ Cronos
home: me at freax dot org
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org
work: philip dot vanhoof at cronos dot be
junk: philip dot vanhoof at gmail dot com,

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