Re: A comment on NetworkManager

Dan Williams wrote:
On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 11:57 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
Garry Williams wrote:
On 5/12/06, Gene Heskett <gene heskett verizon net> wrote:
What is this "nm_applet" people are talking about?  I don't believe its
installed on this FC5 system.
$ rpm -q --file /usr/bin/nm-applet

Ok, I have this:
[root diablo ~]# rpm -q --file /usr/bin/nm-applet

Now, pray tell, how is it we use this?

If you use GNOME, it's autolaunched when you log in.  You should never
need to run it.  We made the decision to autolaunch only for GNOME
because we figured that KDE users would likely not want the applet
running all the time, as they would use knetworkmanager for that.

Except that knetworkmanager didn't make it into the FC5 distro.  Nuff said.
But make sure you run it as "/usr/bin/nm-applet --sm-disable" to disable
the session management.  The autolaunch stuff does this by default.


Cheers, Gene

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