Re: [Muine] [Patch] Better album defining

On Sun, 2004-05-23 at 21:17, iain wrote:



> I guess the real question in all this is "How well do we want Muine to
> handle poorly organised and poorly tagged files?". I know it would be
> nice to insist that people organise their files in a heirarchal
> Genre/Artist/Album directory structure and have all their files
> correctly tagged, but I think its really silly to believe that that
> would happen for most people.

Muine is build with the premise of a good tagged music collection. One
could discuss this premise, but this problem is not a direct problem of
Muine. However, future version of Muine will contain a tag editor, which
can be used to correct minor tagging errors and will not be meant for
mass tagging, which should belong in a separate application. 

The intention is thus not having the poorly tagged problem solved by
Muine, but by an application of which the UI would be designed to do so.
Viet Yen 

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