i18n missing for "Display bits" + Spanish.po translations

The title for the new dialog wasn't translated. In the way I removed the
global variable with the title as (I think) there's no need for it.

It would be nice to do some cleaning and try to share code between dialogs
as we are writing the same code for callback functions, frame drawing and
title sizing for every one.

I would appreciate if anybody could copy the Spanish po files to CVS (cos I
have no account).

I'm happy to see we have some translating work again.

Regards to everybody
*8-) David

¡Tienes cuentas de e-mail GRATIS en Excite España!
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Attachment: dispbits_dlg_nls.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip-compressed

Attachment: es-4.5.54-2.po.bz2
Description: Binary data

Attachment: es_ES-4.5.54-2.po.bz2
Description: Binary data

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