Re: [Gtranslator-devel] proposed changes

On Sun, 2001-12-16 at 17:06, Gediminas Paulauskas wrote:
I have looked into gtranslator and tried to summarize what's wrong with it, IMHO. 
Well, let's fight about it .-)
Here is the list what I wanted to change:
Remove View menu and views sidebar.
Hmm, well this is one of the points where I admit it: yes, it's really ok to remove it if noone says anything against it.. But I don't think many people loved this feature .-(
Remove "Remove all translations" functionality.
Na, this is a good thing to have, why should you remove it? There's an option to turn something like that on, so this doesn't disturb the beginner and is there if you want to have it.
Don't check if "file is already opened in another instance of gtranslator"
This is really a diversification question now: kabalak says yes, it's good, menesis says no, so what do the others say..?
Remove the following options:
	* Don't save unchanged files
	* Warn me if I'm trying to save an unchanged file
Ok, these are nonsense but..
	* Enable the functionality to update/remove.... (nonsense)
.. the second one isn't nonsense! It's connected to an idea of user level or something alike that... If you're smart enough to want this feature, then you do also get the entry in the menus...

The only thing which would be Ok herein, is to have a user level option which would activate/deactivate a set of enhancement functions/menu entries etc.
	* Load all backends on startup (they should be loaded only when a sgml or other file is opened
Nice to say but hard to realize for me.. I wanted it to be so, but it didn't work, so we're currently sticking with the all or nothing method... Though backends aren't that useful currently to be honest...
	* Show the views sidebar (there's no such thing)
	* Check recent files before showing... (should do that always)
Yes, ok, I would also vote for them to go away in the meantime .-)
Merge the following options:
	* "Use special dictionary" and "Dictionary to use"
	* "Save po files automatically..." and "Autosave timeout..."
	* "Append a special suffix..." and "Autosave suffix"
Ok, but in which way would you like to do it then? If nothing entered you don't append anything?! Ok, but what if I want to specify an suffix without the autosave feature being on?

Well, that happens often to me, and I do want most of the prefs to be independently changable from another option or another state.
Remove the following items from toolbar:
	* Save as, Update, Preferences, Exit, (Find, Replace,) Query
Preferences, Exit & Query: ok, but the rest is really nonsense. Why shouldn't find, replace be in the toolbar?
Drop most of GtrPreferences and preferences.h stuff in favor of plain GConf with notification.
Na, I don't want to be sticked with GConf, maybe the gtranslator_config stuff will get somehow changing? He, any chance for this? Maybe bonobo-conf directly or anything another will get the default for gtranslator_config, what then?

Change all the prefs stuff just because you gave up your level of abstraction over Gconf/XYZ? No, I don't like this argument...
Almost everything here is "remove" of things, which are not useful.
There are clearly too much options and some of them don't make sense.
Well, not all of them as you could see from my argumentation... And having more options then some other app isn't a bad thing to do... I do still miss your comments about colorschemes indeed ,-)
I never understood the purpose of Views sidebar -- the checks should be done 
on the fly, only with c-format options, and reported to user with special highlighting
or a dialog. Who switches all views on every message to visually check if everything is OK?
As I stated before, removing the views sidebar is Ok with me, nobody liked it, then ok, let's (you to be more detailed) remove it...
Why removing items from toolbar? Read the HIG -- toolbars are for often-used actions. Exit clearly should not be there -- you use it only once on every
run of the app. Preferences even more so -- you usually want to change
your preferences only when first installed.
Ok, but why remove find, replace (& query)? For the "Exit" and the "Preferences" you and the HIG are logica but everywhere else...
GConf stuff is much of work. But currently there is no point in using GConf,
because nothing else changed from gnome_config times. There's no need to read
most of the preferences on startup -- they are rarely used, so instead of a
variable or field in GtrPreferences you should read only when needed
directly from GConf (e.g. "Save geometry on exit and load on startup",
"Show comment pane" or "Use special dictionary").
Comically, I wouldn't want to play with GConf directly (which could stop this sentence already but we're going further) , but besides this, it's for me more logical to know that every pref option is already read via abstract functions then with playing with hundreds of gconf_* calls. Am I wrong here?

Besides this, I don't think, this takes too much time, so I can't see many reasons why one would want to do it this way..
Comments welcome, I can do most of the changes if no objections (Removing is easy).
Yeah, I could sign that... But you're too much on a removal "trip" -- some things are logical and good to keep...
<([ Fatih Demir / kabalak / kabalak gtranslator org ])>
<([ ICQ 64241161 / fdemir2 ix urz uni-heidelberg de ])>
<([ Studying Biology @ the University of Heidelberg ])>

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