Re: Why gtk_bin_get_child() does not work?

if i create radio button  widget with label,
my application is ok.

Thank you!!!

On 7/8/06, J. Ali Harlow <ali juiblex co uk> wrote:
On 2006-07-08 02:26:46 AM, Micah Carrick wrote:
> This should work:
> GtkWidget *radio
> /*
> More code here to get or create 'radio' as
> a GtkRadioButton widget
> */
> gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN(radio)->child),
> "<b>hello</b>");

Can't see how accessing the child member directly is going to help
anything. I suspect his problem is that using
gtk_radio_button_new(NULL) creates a button without a child. The
solution would seem to be either to use
gtk_radio_button_new_with_label("xxx") and then modify the generated
label or create his own label and add it to the button with


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