GtkTreeView problem

Hi All,

I have to write a piece of code that returns the widget that the user clicked on and the coordinates where the click happened relative to the widget.

I had something that caught the button press event, took the coordinates from it and called gtk_get_event_widget() on the event to get the widget.

This worked well until I hit into GtkTreeView. The problem is that GtkTreeViewColumn has a window and it sets the parent GtkTreeView as this window's user data. As gtk_get_event_widget() takes the gdk window from the event and queries its user data to get the widget the above algorithm does not work anymore as the coordinates are given relative to the GtkTreeViewColumn's window while the widget returned is the GtkTreeView. I also noticed that the docs call GtkTreeViewColumn an "object", is this a widget or not?

If this is not a bug in gtk+ then I need some different approach. Something like ignoring the event coordinates and getting the mouse pointer relative to the GtkTreeView widget's window (using gdk_window_get_pointer()) would probably help, but is this the right approach or I am missing the point completely?



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