How do a more complicated gtk_input_add call than this one???....

After much work this newbie figured out how to bind
a function to STDIO with following snippet....

   int fd = 0;
   fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
   gdk_input_add(fd, GDK_INPUT_READ, (GdkInputFunction) dataProcessor, NULL);

Now incoming data like from a file (e.g. "myprogram < mydata") 
causes an event which calls the dataProcessor function.


How do I get 2 way communication between a parent and child
processes and use gdk_input_add as well???
This is more than just reading from STDIO I think.

(I experiemented with popen, fork & execlp.  One question
is how to use these guys with gdk_input_add since 
gdk_input_add only wants a "file descriptor" for the
first argument.)



| Dr. Christian Seberino  || (619) 553-7940  (office) |
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