selection at pixel-level (for images etc)

Hey there,

thanks for the last help about all pipe handling stuff, it was really
helpful (I think I learned a lot). I have a totally different question now:

In picture editing application like GIMP, you can select part of an image
(and then do things with that selection). Is there any pre-made module in
Gtk+ that enables me to add the option of selecting something at pixel
level inside a widget? And then, I would like to be able to retrieve the
selection parameters (i.e. x, y, width, height in pixels) so I can use this

I tried looking at the selection handling in Gtk Tutorial but that seems
more about text selection, not about pixel selection...

Is there any pre-made Gtk-widget-option for this?


--   .-.    | Ronald Bultje                        |
--   /V\    | Running: Linux 2.4.1 and OpenBSD 2.8 |
--  // \\   | E-mail : rbultje ronald bitfreak net |
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