Re: scrollbar display options

    Iain> On 27 Apr 2001 13:33:38 -0500, skip pobox com wrote:
    >> I notice that there are no options controlling scrollbar display in
    >> the 2.0 api.  I think it would be useful to allow programmers (and
    >> users) to specify how they want the three elements of the scrollbar.

    Iain> Users - maybe/yes
    Iain> Programmers - NO!

    Iain> If we leave it up to programmers then we have 5 applications doing
    Iain> it one way, 3 doing it another, and one weirdo who loved the NEWS
    Iain> way and wants all 6 of his apps doing it that way.

I do what the customer asks.  Obviously, I'll try to make things as
user-configurable as possible.  I'm a new gtk user, however.  I don't know
how much the theme stuff will work on Windows (the eventual delivery
platform).  It's already been decided to toss the gtk file dialog because
I'm told their users will complain if file dialogs don't look like those on

Skip Montanaro (skip pobox com)

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