Re: scrollbar display options


On 2001.04.27 19:26:35 +0200 Iain wrote:
> On 27 Apr 2001 13:33:38 -0500, skip pobox com wrote:
> > I notice that there are no options controlling scrollbar display in the
> 2.0
> > api.  I think it would be useful to allow programmers (and users) to
> specify
> > how they want the three elements of the scrollbar.  
> Users - maybe/yes
> Programmers - NO!
> If we leave it up to programmers then we have 5 applications doing it
> one way, 3 doing it another, and one weirdo who loved the NEWS way and
> wants all 6 of his apps doing it that way.

I completely disagree here.
Why would a programmer not have the choice of design what his program would
look like? In the ideal case, the programmer _can_ let the user decide but
he _can_ also just choose for one design/look, simply because that looks
better with the general looks of his application or because that
design/looks fits the goal of the scrollbar better in his application or
for whichever reason.

Give the user freedom to choose, if needed. But don't limit the programmer
in this. Instead, make it both possible and let the programmer decide
whether he will choose this himself or leave it to the choice of the user!
And if you want something like Gnome to have a uniform look, then fine!
Make it a requirement for Gnome-apps to do it one way. But for programmers
who don't care, please give them this choice of choosing the other way!


--   .-.    | Ronald Bultje                        |
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