Re: [gtk-list] Gtk-1.2 and Perl-GTK

> I've upgraded to 1.2 now, and am very happy with it
> (i.e.: it's new and it didn't break the gimp :)
> But the Perl-GTK module fails to compile:
> Error: 'Gtk::Widget' not in typemap in Gtk.xs, line 656
> etc...
> Am I doing something wrong, or did 1.2 break it?
> Using Perl::Gtk 0.500, which compiled fine with the Gtk 1.1 series.
> And Linux 2.2.2, egcs 1.1.1 (with pentium-patches), Perl 5.005_02.
I just checked out gnome-perl from CVS and compiled it without 
GNOME support. Seems to work so far.


# S-mail: Olof Oberg     #         #
#         Pedagoggr. 7A  #               #
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