Re: [gtk-list] Re: memory leak GtkText

Jason Nordwick <nordwick@scam.XCF.Berkeley.EDU> writes:

> Teemu Kalvas, on  5/7/1998, wrote the following:
> > 
> > I tested this with a shorter program which just repeatedly puts random
> > lines into the text widget and then takes them away, and it seems that
> > the memory use of the program rises every time text is added but never
> > goes down when text is removed.  So I conclude that there must be a
> > memory problem with GtkText.
> > 
> Can you please supply the code segment ?

I put the code for the short program up at

It has two buttons for adding and deleting text, and it prints the
size of the text as reported by the widget to stderr after changes.
The entry widget was supposed to be used for inserting specific text
but it was never finished because I didn't need that to see the

Teemu Kalvas

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