Simple example of fonts? ( and more )

	Hello all there, people!

	I am quite new to gtk( one week ), but I'm coding my first gtk
program now. I have some doubts:

1.) The program generates a lot of 'warnings'. I've compiled it with the 
proper flags to eliminate debug info and execute the program with 
--GTK-no-debug and --GDK-no-debug ( as explained in docs/debugging.txt ), 
but those warnings appear too.
2.) Can anyone supply a simple example to teach me how to use different 
    fonts ( size and color ) in the same window?

3.) In my application, I need that a loop be always executed until the
    exit condition ( with some 'interrupts' - buttons callbacks - that
    modify some options ... ).
    Yes, I know of 'gtk_timeout_add', but, as the processing time of the 
    loop is not always the same ( and it may differ much ), and as I 
    don't have any way to know what would be the time per loop ...
    ... how can I guess the time?
    ( I need the loop be executed ALWAYS and AS QUICKLY AS it can be ).

	And my wish list for gtk ;-):

* jpeg/png/... files read & write functions

* macros to ease the use of fonts (not a dialog ) and colors
  ex. GdkColor * = GDK_COLOR( guint red, guint green, guint blue )
  that do all the work shown in FAQ 5.2

* pleaseeeeeeee, complete docs and include more info in include files ;-)

	Thanx in advance:
                                  INIGO SERNA

* INIGO SERNA ROBLEDO         *    E-mail:                              *
* Avda. de los Chopos 41, 2.C *             *
* 48990. Getxo - BIZKAIA      *******************************************
*      BASQUE COUNTRY         * '... what made my dreams so hollow ...' *
*          SPAIN              *                               TOM WAITS *

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