Re: [gtk-list] Gtk Text Widget memory leak?

I noticed the same thing a while ago, posted here, and got 0 reply.

Patrick Lambert
DarkElf Network SysAdmin              
OKC.OK.US.UnderNet.Org Operator      
    Check the main resource for developers at

On Sun, 14 Jun 1998 wrote:

> 	Hello, I'm having a slight problem with GTK's Text widget in
> Linux. It seems when I add text to the widget, and then destroy it, the
> memory is not freed. I'm not sure of this, but what I did to test was load
> large files (kernel, etc) into the text widget, destroyed the widget,
> create a new text widget, load a large file, etc... and in the process
> doing a 'ps ux' to check memory usage. I've noticed that the %MEM field of
> the ps output rises considerably as each file is loaded and does not go
> down once the text widget is destroyed.
> 	Is this normal? What should the proper way that a Text widget
> should be destroyed? Right now I am using gtk_widget_destroy on the dialog
> that contains the text widget (and have also tried destroying the actual
> text widget). Any help appreciated.
> 	Viraj.
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