Re: NEW CODE: multiple file selection

>>>>> "Nils" == Nils Philippsen <> writes:

Nils> As some people might recall, I needed a possibility to select
Nils> multiple files at a time, read: a modified GtkFileSelection to
Nils> shift-click, ctrl-click etc.

Nils> I have made a new widget (GtkMFileSelection, read: multiple file
Nils> selection), which does just this

Other widgets that allow multiple selection have a selection mode that
the caller can set.  Why not do the same with the file selection
dialog?  Then you only have one widget which works the same way other
Gtk widgets do.

(One problem is that one of the multi- selection modes is not
implemented in many of the Gtk widgets.  But presumably that is just a
separate bug, and not a deep problem.)


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