Re: Drawing rotated text

Lyndon Drake <> writes:

> Hi,
> Can anyone suggest a method for drawing rotated text?  On most
> platforms you just specify an angle for the text's baseline,
> but I can't see anything in gdk/gtk that will let me do this.
> (BTW, I'm drawing directly to a DrawingArea.)

There is an extension for this in X11R6..  You can open a rotated font
with it.  For example,

-adobe-utopia-medium-r-normal--0-[5 8.7 ~8.7 5]-200-200-p-0-iso8859-1

is rotated utopia font by pi/3.

You can see details about this in O'Reilly book, `Programmer's
Supplment for Release 6'.

Changwoo Ryu

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