Re: [gtk-list] Re: Window position / size

> > > I'd like to restore the last window-position/size, when I start
> > gmix. Any
> > > idea, how I could do this ? There is no "gtk_get_size" or
> > "..get_position"
> > > I found, yet, and I don't want to mess with internal GTK structures.
> > void          gdk_window_get_position    (GdkWindow       *window,
> >                                           gint            *x,
> Maybe you want to try gdb_window_get_origin instead, because at least
> for me gdk_window_get_position didn't work as expected. It seems like
> gdk_window_get_position returns a relative and gdb_window_get_origin
> returns an absolute position.

I added it to gmix (and uploaded it to There's only one
problem left:
	gdk_window_get_origin returns the upper left corner of the window,
	excluding the decoration from the window-manager.

	gtk_window_set_uposition sets the upper left corner of the window,
	including the decoration from the window-manager.
So if you start/quit gmix over and over it moves a few pixels down and to
the left. But it's better than the automatic placement it normally does.

				Jens Ch. Restemeier

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