Patches: General

This is NOT GTK-related. I'm a newbie in the programming world and I'm
used to getting good answers from GIMPers and GTKers. Besides, I need the
answers to contribute and hopefully other rookies will benefit, too.
I basically understand what patches are for... but

1. How do I apply a patch?
2. Do I need to recompile and re(make install)?
3. Do the people using my application (plug-in) need to have done the same
on their machines?
4. How do I compile GTK with a -g option? (All I usually do is un-tgz GIMP
and make, so where do I stick the -g?)

------------OTHER QUESTIONS-------This is GTK-related--------
a. GTK is my first GUI language (or just library). For my projects I need
to right a fairly narrow graphing application (to help me visualize an ODE
solution). I can see how I can do it in GTK, but is GTK an acceptable
environment for this?
b. In general, how does GTK compare to motif, lestif, and other C-based

c. Where can I find this mailing lists archives?

  Pavel Grinfeld      |        |
  (212) 449 1318 (w)  |  (212) 797 1688 (h)

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