[GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting, netmeeting and Debian stable

Dear all,

I try to use gnomemeeting under Debian stable (woody) to contact
netmeeting users.  This fails for (at least) two reasons: the packages
provided on gnomemeeting.org for woody have unresolved dependencies:
    dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gnomemeeting:
     gnomemeeting depends on scrollkeeper (>= 0.3.14-5); however:
       Version of scrollkeeper on system is 0.3.12-2woody1.
(although I am using all the backports available.), and second,
netmeeting under Windows XP makes use of a codec (723 IIRC) that is
not available for gnomemeeting without such a "nice" board.

Does anybody know how I could solve these problems?

Thanks in advance!

Lukas Ruf           | Wanna know anything about raw |
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