Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Immediate Disconnect with Dial-UP, sound very good

Le 12/2/2004, "Zeno R.R. Davatz" <zdavatz ywesee com> a écrit:

>On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 15:48:28 +0100
>"Damien Sandras" <dsandras seconix com> wrote:
>> I don't understand why you are changing settings when I told you it was
>> working and thus to not mess settings ;)
>Sorry. But I would like to connect over Dial-UP as well. I want to install the service for my Dad. 

Changing the H.323 Advanced settings won't make things work by miracle,
it will only prevent them to work.

Remember :
- microtelco requires G.723.1, Fast Start, H.245 Tunneling and Early H.245

Also make sure your IP is correct in the IP translation

>> The problem is at MicroTelco's side, ask to Bruce to check why you are
>> disconnected, my guess would be "packets loss" due to bad connection
>> quality. Not sure though, they will see it in their logs.
>Ok, just testing with Jonny Ström.
>Thanks for your Feedback.
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