Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting rpm's for SuSE 9.0.

Hello Damien.

Thanks for your information, for sure will use it.

Regards to you and Jonita.

David Quental

Le mer 26/11/2003 à 23:38, David Quental a écrit :
Hello to all.
I wonder to know if there are GM rpm's for SuSE 9.0. Someone told me that GM from SuSE 9.0 has bugs, so my question.

You can ask to iason on irc, he has made CVS RPM's :)

Yes, GM on SuSE is always a bad story unfortunately. SuSE 9.0 has
released an unofficial BETA version released with GNOME BETA's in

Any answer will be welcome.

Best regards and till next email.

David Quental

PS: I did not install yet pwlib and openh323 from SuSE 9.0.

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