Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] New feature, recording videoconference

Hi Alejandro,
First... HTML Yuck, makes it really difficult to read on a text based
email client! 

Second, the video and audio is passed as RTP streams.

If this is not a long term project then you could use a quick hack to
capture the streams.

There is an application that does this called 'vomit', see:

At present this only handles audio (G711) but will show you the
principles of grabing/decoding the stream.

I don't believe that you want to capture the decoded audio/video from 
screen dumps and then recompress. To store the RTP streams would make 
more sense, but remember that there is one in either direction.


PS Damien is against complicating the UI, so this might be better as a
stand alone application that is run alongside Ekiga - which also makes it
usable for other systems/debug in general/spying on your neighbors :-)

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