Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] New feature - controlling the calls (allow/deny)

OK, it is time to make full proposals. Please everybody propose an idea
or improve a current idea. Remember that the best idea is the easiest
one. Users are not experts and need to have an easy way to do what they
want, and they must be able to do all what they want.

My idea is to have 2 lists:

- an Friends List (friends, family, ..., not groups as we have no notion
of contact list as we are not an instant messenger).

- a Reject List (for your ennemies).

Currently, GnomeMeeting has 3 states:
- Auto Answer
- Do Not Disturb
- Normal

In my proposition, there would be 5 states mutually exclusive:

- Normal (all calls are allowed except the Reject List)
- Friends only (only calls in the accept list are allowed)

- Auto-Answer (auto-answer all calls from the Friends list)
- Do Not Disturb (reject all calls from everybody)

Easy and powerful.

Here are some typical cases.

* You want to accept calls only from friends, you choose friends only,
that way you are in do not disturb for all others.
* You do not want to be disturbed at all, you choose Do Not Disturb.
* You are free for chatting, and want to discuss. You choose auto-answer
and it will auto-answer your friends.
* You want to meet new people, or you don't know yet the filter for a
specific friend, you put yourself in normal mode.

Easy and powerful....

Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>

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