Re: Comitting to web-devel-2

<quote who="Murray Cumming">

> On Sat, 2003-01-04 at 15:29, Andrew Sobala wrote:
> > I have pages for the Bugsquad on my hard drive at the moment. They build
> > fine... What is the policy for comitting to CVS? Once I've got Luis' OK,
> > can I commit these to the website?
> There doesn't seem to be any official policy, or hand on the wheel for
> that matter. Luis is clearly the chief bugmaster so if he says it's OK
> then I'd go ahead.

The (unspoken) policy for all modules is to ask the maintainers - I'll put a
HACKING and MAINTAINERS file in the web-devel-2 module to make that 100%

- Jeff

   "I believe in true love. But I am easily satisfied." - Miguel de Icaza   

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