Re: volume monitor refcounting code freeze break

On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 10:38, Murray Cumming wrote:

> > Release-team, do you think this is important enough to go in after the
> > code freeze?
> Is this a new bug for the perl bindings, or something that they lived with
> during 2.6?

Unfortunately, I haven't had time to bind the new API in 2.6, and only
did it now for 2.8.

> It affects non-perl-specific code so I am hesitant to approve this
> during the hard-code-freeze period. I hope that the perl bindings
> people can wait for 2.8.1.

I could just override the normal destructor with one that does nothing
-- which means leaking both the wrapper Perl object and the monitor.  If
people just fetched the monitor once and then used that object all over
the place, it would not be a big deal.  If they call
gnome_vfs_get_volume_monitor every time they need a monitor object, it
will of course lead to rather big leaks.

It would be nice to have this fixed, but we could also wait for 2.8.1.


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