Re: Approval for no proxy patches

Hi Mark,

> 	My gut instinct is to say no, this should be punted until 2.6. Adding a
> large-ish feature to a base library, which is required by another
> application, at this late stage, makes me a bit nervous. But I'll admit
> I'm probably being more anal than most.
> 	This isn't really a serious issue for epiphany anyway is it? There is
> support for this in epiphany already, all the epiphany patch does is use
> the /system GConf key rather than the /apps/epiphany key. So really, so
> we're not missing this functionality in the browser if the patch doesn't
> get it.

Not exactly. The key removed in the first patches is an old,
unimplemented, galeon1 key. If you look at the last patch you will
notice that the removal part is gone, because we already removed the old
key in cvs.
I think using /apps/epiphany now would be bad, because we will have to
break compatibility for next release.
If release team prefer to delay the gnome vfs changes I think
alternatives are:
- Commit the schemas changes only in gnome-vfs, without the
implementation, and the epiphany patch
- Commit only epiphany patch. You dont necessarily need a schemas, we
could just document the key in a FAQ or something for now
- Delay the whole thing and add the feature to epiphany in next release

Thanks !


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