Re: Approval for no proxy patches

On Sat, 2003-08-09 at 07:03, Jonathan Blandford wrote:
> Malcolm Tredinnick <malcolm commsecure com au> writes:
> > With respect to this patch, could you possibly elaborate on why you are
> > "less than thrilled with it". It's been through a couple of rounds of
> > review (see the bug report) and is pretty well tested (including with
> > IPv6) on my systems; I am using this patch every day now, since things
> > are pretty unusable without it as I move between networks. I am happy to
> > mess around with the patch as required to meet whatever minor complaints
> > people may have -- the coding style and variable naming schemes, etc, in
> > gnome-vfs is hardly a model of consistency. If you have major design
> > issues, then you need to explain them to me in small words and short
> > sentences, since I cannot read minds.
> I'm less then thrilled with it because we're a month away from releasing
> 2.4 and it's not easy to just look at it and say it's obviously correct.
> Still, given that its gotten testing and Alex is alright with it, I'd be
> willing to let it go in.

Aah, if that's your reason, then I am on your side of the argument. :-)

I was a bit annoyed (at myself) to miss the feature freeze, but I it
seems unprofessional to not have a way to set it and just have it work
(see, I am not *completely* oblivious to peoples' desktop goals -- just
mostly oblivious).

Maybe it's a "no harm" patch, since it doesn't regress the system if you
don't know it's there (except in Epiphany and Galeon where they may have
removed the old setting, but I think that's meant to be a GConf

Alex, Christopher: I guess it's up to you guys. I would prefer to leave
it out until GNOME 2.5, just to stay with the process, but it you feel
comfortable putting it in, I'll accept responsibility for the patch.


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