Re: Theme suggestion: use shared libraries

I agree - but ndon't keep any drawing code in gtk - put it ALL in an
extrnal lib. Okay. I agree - thereare many cases when you may want
other rotuines. But GTK needs a pretty heavy overhaul to accomodate
this - EVERY widget needs modification. I know which ones are needed -
at least for buttons. I'll see about doing a dlopen() for a theme lib
and initialisation of drawing callbacks. i'm probably not the best
person to do this though as I have only just become familiar with GTK -
I'm more tuned into lower levels such as Xlib etc.

We'll need to centralise all drawing of widgets into a single function
call rather than the 4 that are there and are called separately form
different parts of the button code (the example I'm working on right
now). Gtk_init needs some mods... to do this dlopen, call the lib's
init function etc.

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------       /\___ /\ ___/||\___ ____/|/\___
Carsten Haitzler           | _ //__\\ __||_ __\\ ___|| _ /  Red Hat Advanced
218/21 Conner Drive        || // __ \\_ \ | |   \ _/_|| /   Development Labs
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