GnomePrint : Its time for some autumn cleaning

Thanks to the wonderful folk at Ximian I'm going to get a chance to
start picking up the slack in libgnomeprint* and get development
kicked back into gear.  

After some discussion with Chema I've joined the MAINTAINERS file,
and started reviewing some pending patches.  As you've probably
noticed the trees have been branched and there is now a :

	This is the _development_ branch, and currently requires unreleased
	versions of gtk+ out of CVS.

to HEAD.  Please note that I do not claim to know my way around the
tree from an implementation perspective as yet.  Hopefully, that
will change quickly.  Given the current state of the tree we've got
our work cut out for us.  Some of the topics that seem high on the
priority list are :
    - merge in Ximian's cups work
    - improve integration with fontconfig and pango
    - fix the memory explosion associated with the meta stream 

I'll be triaging bugzilla shortly to get a feel for things.  Please
post pet bugs and irritations to the list and we can start getting a
TODO list in place.

Best Wishes,

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