Re: [Gnome-print] [PATCH] fix big i18n problem in gnome-rfont.c

On 09 Mar 2001 17:34:53 +0400, Vlad Harchev wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Vlad Harchev wrote:
>  Hi Lautis,
>  Unfortunately I have a reason to complain about support of i18n in
> gnome-print :(
>  Two points:
> 1) pdfs generated by gnome-print with russian in them can't be opened by xpdf, 
>       gs and acroread. I can supply samples. 

It seems to me that PDF-s generated by gnome-print cannot be opened by xpdf
regardless of codeset :(
Maybe chema (the author of pdf driver) can help us here...
> 2) It seems there is no way to get string width for utf8 string - function
>       gnome_font_get_width_string calls gnome_font_get_width_string_n that
>       measures the width of each byte (treating each byte as a character) in
>       that string. I had to resort to converting string to wchar_t[] and
>       sum the values returned by the following, looping on 'i':
>    gnome_font_get_glyph_width(font, gnome_font_lookup_default(font, wcs[i]) );

Thank you for finding that!
Btw. does gnumeric use that broken function?
I am afraid that correcting that will reveal the dependancy of many programs on
given broken behaviour - but that's life. So I'll fix it now, and try to find out,
which programs will break.


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