[Gnome-print] The client-side configuration API


I would like to start with standardized client-side configuration API.
It will be
extremely simple (client only needs to tinker settings that are really
to it - paper size, number of copies etc.)

So I propose the following thing:

GnomePrintConfig - is an opaque GtkObject.
It encapsulates ALL data relevant to printer, spooler and driver.

conf = gnome_print_config_default ()
conf = gnome_print_config_get (const gchar *configstring)

pc = gnome_print_context_from_config (GnomePrintConfig *conf)

gnome_print_config_set_key (GnomePrintConfig *conf, const gchar *key,
const gchar *value)
const gchar *gnome_print_config_get_key (GnomePrintConfig *conf, const
gchar *key)

Emits signal:
void changed (GnomePrintConfig * config, const gchar *key, const gchar

The logic:

App asks for default print config. Library provides it one.
Now, if App is interested in showing printer/paper/etc. dialogs, it
corresponding widgets, either:
Using stock widgets, giving GnomePrintConfig as an argument
Builds custom widgets, binding "changed" signal, so they can update
if config changes.
After showing and closing the dialog, printconfig contains up-to-date
and app can get print context from it.

If you want to implement "select printer" widget in application:
conf = gnome_print_config_default ()
Build your own printer selection widget, binding it to "changed" signal
Later, you can build paper, resolution etc. configuration widget,
using the same conf object.

If you want to know paper size:
Build printer configuration widgets, using conf object.
gnome_print_config_get_key ("Paper/Size") - or something similar

Config can also generated from static string, allowing one to specify
print options on command line.

Keys are probably in form "Domain/Parameter"
All values are strings by default, although we can add convenience
around them to get int/double/GnomePaper etc. values.

This can hopefully done without API breakage, deprecating functions like
gnome_print_context_new_with_paper_size in future.

That's all


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