Re: [Gnome-print] Universal binary file format

> - As I understood, it is designed to be platform independent, i.e.
> interchangeable between computers. But can anybody give me some examples,
> for which uses this can be useful? Not spooling - this is more lowlevel.
> Is that for bonobo?

The idea in the long run for Bonobo is that it will be possible to
keep "cached" visual and printed representations of the items that
compose a document.

So that you can load a word processing document without launching
gnumeric, sodi-podi, eog, dia, and something else.  If the user
double-clicks to edit, or if the cached version does not exist for a
specific resolution, then the component would be launched.

But if it is possible to print or display, it would use this
information to print/display.

So the idea here is that we can save documents that contain embedded
print-meta-file streams and they will work just fine if you created
the file on a Sun and loaded it later on a PC.


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