Re: [GNOME-my]Test/improve em-junk-filter patch for evo 1.5.1

On Fri, 2004-01-09 at 17:33 +0800, Chee Bin HOH wrote:

> will make --local and --norebuild argument fall as positional parameter
> to /bin/sh (NOT sa-learn).
> if you intend to pass --local and --norebuild argument to sa-learn. you
> got to put it in the quoting.
> Correct me if i am wrong about it.

You are right, and that's what my patch fixes. :)

evo 1.5's built in junk filter does not quote it, hence it fails because
sh/bash tries to parse the -- arguments. The command I gave is the
command that evo is trying to run, because of the exact reason you gave.

That problematic command line argument is what evo 1.5.1 junk filter
tries to run, not me.

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