Re: Win vs. UNIX usability (Was: Re: gnome-terminal idea)

On Wed, 23 Sep 1998, Steve Luzynski wrote:

> Very little about moving a melted bar of soap around on a fuzzy piece of
> rubber is intuitive if you ask me. I still long for a touchscreen on
> every desk. :)

Really?  We'd all have sore arms.  The mouse conserves motion.  You can rest
the heel of your hand and just pivot.  You can also point a lot more
accurately than with a finger.

/-------- Quantum Seep, ---
  "His funny bone's connected to the M-bone"
   PGP fingerprint: 5B 3B 7B EC AA 5B 4B 7F  65 7D 2A CD 69 11 29 2A

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