Re: Registering apps with the menus

On 23 Jul 1999 12:09:45 -0400, Waldo Bastian <> wrote:

>For KDE we are just reworking the menu stuff. We will probably add 
>some other option to specify in which menu's the application should 
>be added. (E.g. should it appear for all users or only for a group or
>a single one) If someone from GNOME can post how things are done
>in GNOME we might be able to keep things more or less compatible.

Right now this is done by having the package put a .desktop file under

Seeing as installed packages are available for the entire system, I don't
see any reason to limit the visibility of the corresponding menu entry to
certain groups. Of course, if you use UNIX permissions to change the
availability of the package, then the menu entry won't show up.

-- Elliot

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