Re: Subversion migration schedule (cut-off Fri 18 Mar)

On Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 04:04:23PM +0700, Ross Golder wrote:
> I'm sure it will all come as a bit of a shock to some of you

  Precisely, see below !

> The cut-off date for CVS write access will be Friday 18th March 2006 at
> 23:59UTC. No more CVS commits after that point. CVS read access will
> remain available via anonymous pserver for another month, although will
> *not* contain any live updates that are applied to Subversion.

  Suggesting a cutoff date while no documentation is available about the
impact of the migration from an user/developper perspective (i.e. how this 
work compared to CVS, commands, will old authentication work, how, etc.)
sounds to me a perfect recipe for a disaster. Nothing has circulated about
this, I have no idea how subversion work, if it will work well on Windows
(I have a number of users on that platform), I'm just left with being
threatened of having my code access tools unavailable, and absolutely
nothing telling me I will still able to work after that point or have
the other people on my project work. CVS is glued in a lot of things
both human and tool wise, and a migration plan which seems to completely
ignore the peripheral aspects ('someone voluntered to write a doc' can't
replace a 'we have a doc, here is what's available, will that work ?')
sounds absolutely scary. I never touched SVN, the other commiters on my
modules are I guess in the same state, it already took quite a bit of
time to get Windows based users to find tools working with CVS, if you
make the decision before we even have a chance to check how it's supposed
to work, my next step will be to ask for a tarball of my CVS repository
and try to host it somewhere else.

  Please don't rush, explain first then make a decision, not the way
around ! As long as you don't have docs explaining the migration process
from an user point of view (I honnestly don't care about the sysadmin 
point of view, what you explain is not what I need to know), and feedback
that it will work out for most, please postpone any cutoff date.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat
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