Re: GNOME CVS: gnome-core mmclouglin

> > Remind me of the significant positive user effects having remote
> > components will have ???
> Start with multiple load applets for different boxes on a panel so you
> can monitor it
more examples of good remote components usage:

* I can have installed some components, and offer them to the other
machines in the network, and those machines don't need to have them
installed. For instance, I may have a report generating engine, which is
very heavy because it does a lot of DB accesses, conversions, etc. I
could just install it on my super-server, and have 100s of machines
access it via CORBA through the network.
The same happens for any kind of to-be-shared components: a translation
service, distributed transactions... all kinds of server processes you
can imagine in an office environment, where clients use services on a

* in gnome-db, we've got a component which implements access to a
specific DBMS. Imagine, for instance, that you are using Oracle and have
a license for only one machine. This means you can't install the
GNOME-DB oracle component in any other machine (it links with oracle
libs, and needs a proper Oracle environment installed on the machine to
work), so you can't use GNOME-DB. If you can access the component
remotely, you just have it installed in one machine, and have 100s more
machines connecting to it. Of course, here the solution is to use
PostgreSQL, which is free, but in that case, this will also mean you'll
need to admin 100s of PostgreSQL installations, which makes it more

having remote components would be so good for GNOME, that I can't see
why there's even a discussion about it :-) As I say, if I have remote
components, I can do a lot of nice things for a lot of office

I wish I had the knowledge and the time to just provide the patch to
bonobo-activation for supporting remote components and have this thread
end :-(

Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -
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