Re: GDA_Date??

At 11:16 AM 4/5/00 +0200, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
>Chris Wiegand wrote:
>> I'm fixing up some stuff in the MySQL server as far as date/time handling,
>> however, I can't seem to figure out what GDA_Date appears to be a
>> long value, however, it isn't documented what that is (ie. GDA_Date ?=
>> seconds since epoch, GDA_Date ?= seconds since 1900?). I figured other the
>> others, they're pretty straightforward. :)
>It is a long value, but its contents are not yet specified. This is one of
>the values that is missing, so what suggestions you've got for this type?
>What should it contain?

Hmm....I'm thinking a long value of the seconds since 1/1/70 12:00 UTC
(aka. the time_t thing, although that might be the struct, it's been a
month since I've used it...) That is a pretty standard time-like variable
used in programming, and is easier for programs to work with than a string
(there are date/time functions in, hm.. stdlib.h or unistd.h or time.h, I

>> BTW, with all of the talk of Bonobo components and such (which I'll admit
>> I'm not familiar with, but I'll study up on that when I've got the MySQL
>> stuff working, or PostgreSQL has something working, I'll steal from them
>>:), I was wondering, are we going to have a table browser anytime soon?
>> (ie. similar to the Table/Datasheet view in Access) Maybe that's what
>> you're talking about, maybe not. Just wondering. It'll make it easier for
>> me to test my conversion routines.
>You've got the GnomeDbBrowser widget, which does not only shows tables, but
>procedures, views, types, ... any object present in the database. It is a bit
>ugly right now, but I'll be improving it very soon.
>What we were talking about bonobo is to provide a component which will be
>inserted in a BonoboContainer, and which will allow to config the underlying
>database (that is, create data sources for THIS database, add users, grant
>permissions, ....)

Oh, okay.

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