Re: some questions about gnopernicus and gnome

 Hi all......

    I am beginning to use gnopernicus and i am very interested in being
able to accede to a office package like openoffice.

  I have downloaded j2sdk and I have installed it, but i don't know how
to configure it correctly to use with gnopernicus. 

  Now, when i open a document with openoffice, it does not reproduce any
sound and braille device doesn't write anything. When i close
openoffice, gnopernicus continues ok.

    I'll be very gratefull if you could explain to me how to make
accessible openoffice (or send me a link to read any docs....)

 Thank you very much in advance
 Juan Ramon


El mié, 10-12-2003 a las 03:04, Tom and Esther Ward escribió:
> Hi.
> The only office packages that work with gnopernicus is Openoffice v1.1 and
> Staroffice 7.0.
> In order to get these office applications to work with speech you must have
> the j2sdk 1.4.2, the gnome java-access-bridge compiled and installed from
> cvs,  and all the proper orbitrc entries in your .orbitrc file.
> Mozilla is still a trouble spot for me as well. I myself don't get much
> accessibility from it yet,  and I have not completely found the most
> accessible setup for Mozilla myself.
> As for email that also has some problems. Balsa is accessible, but it seams
> several of us have troubles getting smtp working in balsa.
> If you can get passed the smtp problems balsa might be your best choice.

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