Re: [g-a-devel]GKB Applet - Accessibility


I have had difficulty running the applet as, due to a bug in my panel, I do not 
have a "Properties ..." menu item in the context menu.

I have also had difficulty figuring out what is going on as when I launch the 
applet from the panel it runs in a separate process from the panel and I have 
not been able to get it to run standalone.

My first concern is whether the applet can be used with just the keyboard. We 
need a way to change the country using just the keyboard. Can this be done using 
the properties dialog?

> Hi All,
>     I have done a study of GKB Applet from an accessibility perspective.
> Your comments are invited regarding the same.
>  Applet Name : GKB Applet
>  Description : This is an "International Keyboard Switcher" applet which
> provides switching between keymaps of different languages.
> Custom Widgets :
> GnomeMessageBox, GnomeAbout, GnomeHRef, GnomeIconEntry. -- All these custom
> widgets are made accessible through libgnomeui.
> ATK interfaces inherited and provided:
>        Accessible Name  -- Implementation inherited from GailWidget
>        Accessible Description --  Implementation inherited from GailWidget
> (ToolTip)
>        Accessible Role  -- Implementation inherited from GailWidget
>        AtkAction Interface  -- Accelerator support inherited from
> GailWidget.
>        AtkComponent Interface -- Implementation inherited from GailWidget.
> Clarification Required
>    AtkImage Interface -- Accessible Implementation Provided by GailImage.
> This is for the country's flag that is displayed in the GKB applet. But this
> is not displayed in Ferret. The reason that I can think of is that GtkImage
> displaying the flag  is finally contained in a GtkEventBox which is not a UI
> element.
> ATK interfaces required :
>      AtkAction Interface  --  Atk Implementation needs to be provided for
> handling the "button_press_event" emitted by the GtkEventBox that serves as
> a container for the country's flag and label. When the GKB applet is clicked
> ( pressed ) the next keymap and label in the list  is displayed.
>          But there still is a possibility that even after implementation it
> may not be displayed in Ferret for the same reasons that AtkImage is not
> being shown?

It seems to me from looking at the code that a new image is set and label is 
changed when country is changed and this should cause a visble-data-changed 
signal to be emitted for the accessible object corresponding to the label.

I suspect that the problem with Ferret is because widgets are noit receiving 

>          A hot key can be grabbed and use for switching between keymaps
> thereby providing accessibility to switching but this is done only after
> setting in
> "GKB Properties". Hence I think an AtkAction interface is required.
>     AtkRelation Interface -- In GKB Properties - Options - Atk
> Implementation needs to be provided for relating the "Appearance" and
> "Applet size" labels to their corresponding menus.

I think that gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget() can be used instead of defining an 
AtkRelation. See comments for gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget() in 
gtk+/gtk/gtklabel.c and gail_label_ref_relation_set in gail/gail/gaillabel.c.

> Regards,
> Parag.

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