[g-a-devel]Gconf and gnome_program_init errors

Hi Michael, Hi All

I discovered two issues.
The first issue is in the gconf. I reported this bug on bugzilla with 90843 
The problem is, when I try to read a key from an empty configuration file (or 
the key doesn't exist in the file). When calling the gconf_client_get_xxx() 
api, it doesn't return an error message in GError structure (GCONF_BAD_KEY or 
anything else) about  the key that doesn't exist. The returned value by these 
functions is 0, and it is not good for me in more cases.

The second issue is with gnome_init_with_popt_table() or gnome_program_init() 
and, poptGetArgs(). This problem I detected at nautilus too.
I used these API's to parse the command line options.
If run the application with an argument specified in gnome option list or in 
own options list, it is working correctly.
/application --version

If run the application with invalid argument, like:
/application  sdfgh
the poptGetArgs() returns a list with unspecified arguments "sdfgh"

If run the application with invalid argument, like:
/application --sdfgh
the poptGetArgs() api doesn't return anything about that wrong argument,
and the application is working.

Somebody, could help me with these problems.
Best Regards
Paul Sprencz

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