Screen resolution key info causes problems when screen is upgraded

Not sure which list is the correct one for this issue, but thought I'd start here. I'm running Debian Sarge (currently seems to be a mixture of bits from 2.6.1 and 2.4.2 - nautilus though is 2.6.3) and recently upgraded my screen to one that runs at 1600x1200 from one at 1280x1024. Starting into gnome resulted in a screen that was corrupt - but only if starting from the main (non-root) user. Screen looked fine booting into kde or into gnome from root. So likely source of issues was something in main user directory. Sure enough using gconftool-2 to clear all keys from /gnome/desktop/screen (where a reference to the old 1280 resolution was lurking) fixed the problem.

Which component likely stored the info in that key? Perhaps something should clear that key on startup if the XF86Config-4 file changes?


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