Re: [patch] eliminate duplicate macros

On Thursday, August 9, 2001, at 05:18  PM, Havoc Pennington wrote:

While on vacation the last couple days, I actually realized "damn! I
told Marco to commit AM_GCONF_SOURCE to both branches and the
duplicate macros will break parallel installs!" but I had no computer
to send out email. ;-) Doh.

The actual problem I ran into was a duplicate macro just within a GNOME 2 tree, because there were two copies of AM_GCONF_SOURCE in gconf.m4 on HEAD (and Marco didn't notice that mistake when he turned it into

The problem you describe is separate, similar, and your solution sounds OK to me.

Darin the AM_GCONF_SOURCE macro adds a configure option for where to
install schemas, so is not overlapping with pkg-config
functionality. But AM_PATH_GCONF should go away because it does

I see. I guess I was premature in celebrating the demise of installed aclocal .m4 files.

At some point, I'd like to understand which gconf-using packages need to invoke AM_GCONF_SOURCE in their files. Perhaps the gconf documentation is the right place to answer this question.

    -- Darin

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