Re: blackjack

> Is there any chance this can be pulled into gnome-games when it is ready?

The chances are good I think. Especially if it reuses the libgdkcard
library (as aisleriot does) since this will make the space it takes up

There are some issues you need to consider (these apply to anyone with
code for gnome-games) :

a) Timing with respect to the major releases. The feature freeze is
June 9th for this round. It's not as strict in gnome-games as in most
modules but I would probably like to include it before June 2nd (the
2.2.3 tarball due date) if it is going to be included for 2.4. Waiting
for 2.5 is an easier option although it would be after September.

b) Features: It should support the use of GConf and ideally use
libgdkcard for the cards. It should conform to the human interface
guidelines and also be i18n ready. It should also be accessible
(i.e. you can use the keyboard to navigate all the dialogs and the
menus). Preferences should be auto-apply where possible (again, see
the HIG). Basically it should behave as a good GNOME application and
not some mutant that just happens to use the gnome libraries.

c) Size: I want to keep the tarball for gnome-games at less than 10M,
preferably a lot smaller. Unfortunately most of the package is
graphics and I haven't figured out the best way to trim the package
down. If this game is mostly code (i.e. it uses libgdkcard and the
graphics that are already there) then it should be fine. However,
while xbill has been removed I haven't made up my mind about gnibbles
and gnobots2 so there will be some space considerations. Freecell will
also go (but this won't save much space since libgdkcard will be

d) Misc: There are some problems looking at the screenshot. Things
like the excessively precise numbers are probably obvious. The
spinbuttons in the status bar are probably too fiddly that close to
the edge of the window (especially if focus follows the mouse and you
are using the down button). But these are minor issues and easy to fix.

 - Callum

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