gthumb 2.7.5

       Module: gthumb
      Version: 2.7.5
  Uploaded by: Paolo Bacchilega
  md5sum: 9847365d6dae66ee3bc3f7d378a212e4
    size: 2.5M
  md5sum: 23a45e1cc1ae9951ac34a3a56da99974
    size: 1.8M


version 2.7.5
	* Only display user visible drives in the location box.
	* Fixed bug #329889 - thumbnail generation and accentuated characters 
	  in path.
	* Fixed little bug in crop dialog.
	* Fixed bug that prevented comments to be removed correctly when 
	  iptc_data support was enabled.
	* Fixed command line catalog creation.
	* Fixed photo importing and fixed bug that prevented importing photos 
	  when an instance of gthumb was already running.

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