Re: [Xorg] Re: [Fontconfig] adding/distributing new fonts

On Sat, 7 Aug 2004 danilo gnome org wrote:

I think we should merge our projects. That will ease the adoption of
these fonts and maybe force replace of them over the original
Bitstream Vera (posts to show that there is a desire
in the community).

Agreed again. I was willing even earlier to merge my fonts with Daf's
(also works on Gnome ;) Olwen:
Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to take over maintainership of
such combined work, and nobody else seemed to step up.

If you want to have something done, do it yourself :-) I'll do it if noone else wants to.

That's fine, but I actually think having these fonts up at is best ˙˙ it's not Gnome-only, it provides hosting
better than SF, and is neutral.  Have you considered asking for
hosting there?

Nice idea. I'll try to ask them.

Maybe we should continue our discussion in fonts gnome org

No problem for me there, of course :)

CC goes to fonts gnome org
Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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